Monday, February 15, 2010

I have no idea how to do this blog shit.

For example I just hit enter after doing the title and it posted a posting with no post only a title. Also does swearing count as adult content.

Yesterday was Valentines Day. I know hating Valentines Day is really just as cliche as loving it but I hate it anyway. I can't help it. It makes me feel bad about myself. It makes me remember that my last date was in August with a guy named after candy (not really it was his nickname.) Also I tend to give the guys I go out with name add ons like "the racist" or "drug dealer" when I learn these things about them. (For the record I dumped Blank the Racist but that's another story.)

On the plus side today is a snow day!

Also we got a house! And i need to send the lease to my mother. And I don't own any envelopes. Real people should own envelopes. Will get on that.


  1. house GLORY

    also, i'm emailing you a copy of the lease. i just scanned it in.

  2. i love this so much i'm following... creepy? i think so, but that's what google called it... i really think you should give me a shout-out for at least some accidental contribution to your amazing title. seriously tho, lou, this is excellent!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
