Step 1: Wake up and have a moment of panic
Step 2: Put on clothes (whatever is readily available, I suggest going the jeans and a t-shirt route so you don't end up in a plaid shirt and paisley pants or something) (also why do you have paisley pants?)
Step 3: Put on glasses (only if you actually need them to see, otherwise you look like an asshole)
Step 4: Brush teeth
Step 5: Dusting of face powder
Step 6: Ponytail
Step 7: Grab shoes and other crap you need
See easy. In case you are wondering here are the steps I cut out:
1. Wash face (doesn't take long but it make lots of other steps like moisturizer necessary)
2. Moisturize
3. Make-up
4. Contacts
5. Messing with hair (see ponytail)
6. Accessorizing
7. Eating food
8. Peeing
You can do all of these things later. They are not essential. Get over it.
hahaha peeing.