Thursday, April 22, 2010

Want vs Need

Found these want v.s. need posters here.
These are my favorites:

That one reminds me of school!

Conversation between a designer and an idiot


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cool blog

Someday my Life as a Real Person may involve getting married. Even if it does not, I will think this blog is awesome!

Thanks Robin for showing it to me!
I especially appreciated these pictures and want my potential future wedding to include fake mustaches and bouncy houses.

Future husband: take note!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


We have to do this key project for Design Aesthetics. This made me think of that.

Except ours are less cool.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today I woke up at 9:06. I was in the middle of a dream (one of those where afterward you can remember images but can't really explain what the hell was going on.) Anyway this was a problem because I have Type/Text at 9:00. Oops. Must've hit dismiss instead of sleep. I was worried that if I was late I wouldn't get any feedback on my homework so I got ready in FOUR MINUTES! Anyone who knows me knows that this is a miracle so I have decided to tell you my new 'emergency' routine in case you ever need one. Trust me, if I can make myself somewhat presentable in four minutes so can you.

Step 1: Wake up and have a moment of panic
Step 2: Put on clothes (whatever is readily available, I suggest going the jeans and a t-shirt route so you don't end up in a plaid shirt and paisley pants or something) (also why do you have paisley pants?)
Step 3: Put on glasses (only if you actually need them to see, otherwise you look like an asshole)
Step 4: Brush teeth
Step 5: Dusting of face powder
Step 6: Ponytail
Step 7: Grab shoes and other crap you need

See easy. In case you are wondering here are the steps I cut out:

1. Wash face (doesn't take long but it make lots of other steps like moisturizer necessary)
2. Moisturize
3. Make-up
4. Contacts
5. Messing with hair (see ponytail)
6. Accessorizing
7. Eating food
8. Peeing

You can do all of these things later. They are not essential. Get over it.